Relocation and Destination Services


Relocating to another country is a major decision and the implications and adjustment of the individual to their new environment is often misjudged. With the client’s objectives in mind, Expats On The Globe ensures that common pitfalls which are often associated with moving to a new country are avoided.


We have an excellent success rate in relocating individuals, entire families and their beloved pets to South Africa. The client will also be able to capture the spirit of the host country through their dedicated Expats On The Globe Relocation Consultant. Irrespective of which region, town or city a client is required to relocate to, we are able and happy to assist with all requirements.

Our relocation services include

Our relocation consultants have extensive international expatriate experience, are well versed in the needs of relocating families and are passionate about providing dedicated support and ensuring the smooth transition of the family to their host country. We have the right client service team who offer professionalism, flexibility, thorough knowledge of the host country and in-depth training and understanding of the needs and requirements of the international HR manager and relocating expatriate. We are dedicated to service excellence and are constantly seeking ways to improve our service offering to best suit the client’s needs.

  • Pre-arrival advise and support
  • Look & See Trips
  • Orientation into host country
  • Education, school search
  • Home search
  • Settling-in programs
  • Pet relocation
  • Departure services
  • Tenancy management
  • Household goods removal
  • 24 hour help-line
  • Furniture Removal and Customs Clearance

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